Space Invaders Wiki

The Squid[1] (also known as the Small Invader in most instruction guides, or sometimes "Ika," meaning "squid") is one of the three classic invaders from the first game.


The Squid has a look very similar to that of an aquatic squid. It has a triangular shaped head with 2 eyes, a mouth(?), and 4 appendages. Its sprite is 8 pixels high and only 8 pixels wide, which added to the speed of the advanced stages of a game makes it the hardest character to hit.

Before being translated to pixels, its original design was revealed to look like an angry, six-armed squid by Tomohiro Nishikado for the game's 40th Anniversary. Like the other classic invaders, its appearance differs from game to game, though modern versions are practically always pixelated.

Squid concept art (website) 3d squid


Like the other two classic enemies, it shoots a laser downward and moves from left to right and back again coming down. Also like other enemies, a single shot will kill it. Being smaller than the other invaders, it's harder to hit. In Space Invaders Part II, new Squids can be deployed by UFOs. Traditionally, it scores the player 30 points.

